Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Work in Progress

Hello to anyone who happens to be reading this....

I'm posting this so that my ugly calendar post won't be the first thing on my blog. Who would've known I'd have so much trouble trying to put my google calendar into my google blog?? It's a little disheartening, especially after all of those mandatory "Web Design for Dummies" classes I had to take in college....electronic portfolios for education majors or something like that. All those hours in the computer lab and I still can't figure out something that I initially believed would fairly simple.

Since I'm in the typing mode I may as well make it a good solid update. I'm having fun keeping the church office from overflowing with mail and trying to figure out how to get the church a workable website solution. Hence the google calendar debacle. The more we try to master the information age we've let loose, the farther behind we seem to fall. There's too much to learn, too fast, and too frequent. That's my personal diagnosis....currently anyway. Fueled, no doubt, by my frustration with my own inability to bend technology to my will. Enough to make you want to go on a permanent camping trip! That's the cure for technititus, run away to the waiting arms of Mother Nature. Far from screens, buttons, texts, ring-tones, e-calendars.....and indoor plumbing. Hmmmm, I guess I'll take my chances with my computer after all, and limit myself to camping breaks of only 2 to 3 days at a time to keep myself sane. :)


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oops...It's 2010

Clearly this blog is very poorly maintained. Sorry about that if it's been bugging anyone. It's been months (ok ok ok, almost a year) since my last post! But let,s face it....some blogs are simply for the blogger's own amusement and/or venting purposes.

Looking back over my posts.....which only took 5 minutes.......I realized that for the most part I write about the light and amusing things in my life. Permit me a reflective moment here. I think that has been a healthy tendancy in this 2 year blogging exercise. A lot of days life seems to get mundane, repetitive, and boring even. I think by using my blog to pull forward the laughable pieces of every day existance I'm developing the habits of thankfulness and joy (if those can be habits).

Well, I've been back in the USA for 6 whole months now. So, stay tuned and maybe one of these months here (when I get myself organized) I'll spit out another post with some actual stories in it :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pineapple Fanta :)

Pineapple-Coconut Fanta to be exact; sort of their take on Pina Colada I guess. I found it at the Hi Life around the corner from my apartment (it's a little convenience store). Even though my beloved husband ranks Hi Lifes 3rd among convenience stores (behind 7-11 and Family Mart), I always go there to pay the bills. In Taiwan you pay your ADSL, cell phone, Power, Water, and Gas bills at the closest convenience store...hence the word "convenient." Anyway, I went in and it was sitting there next the Coke and Apple Sidra (usually the only options) bright, yellow, and happy-looking. Some of you may not realize (especially if you're in Central WI) that in other countries of the world Fanta comes in more than just Orange and the occasional strawberry. Before the Pineapple-Coconut I got to try Blueberry Fanta in Bali on our honeymoon.

Why spend all this time and space talking about a stupid soda??? No other reason than it reminded me that God is good. I know, you're thinking "what??", but every enjoyment we have comes directly from him. We just forget that fact. Every beautiful blue sky, every catchy line of music, every skilled artist, and every laughing 7 year old are all from Him in one way or another. When we realize this it's a little easier to "rejoice always" and give praise every day. Some of you may have read John Piper's work, some not. He's always going on about "Christian Hedonism" and the "Pleasures of God" and he talks about using the stuff of the created world to turn our eyes on God and find joy...we need constant reminding of his goodness. I just so happened to get my memory jogged by a bottle of soda! Praise the Lord for his mysterious ways!

Bye for now....there's a bottle of Kiwi-Apple Fanta calling my name :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

18 days!!!!!!!!!

It's getting really close! Keep the prayers coming....and if you're coming RSVP ASAP (except mom, dad, Carl and Aunt Toni, I've got you)! Weddings are definitely not for the faint of heart; neither is marriage from what I've heard. So, pray that God teaches me to be "strong and courageous"!

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I'm getting married in just 41 days!!! Currently I am 3 parts excited, 1 part terrified, and about 4 parts freaking out.

I've never really appreciated the term "living in fast forward" until recently. It seems like only 2 days ago that I was in Boracay with Charles asking me to marry him. But suddenly I'm only 41 days away from the wedding...and there's a lot to do. Praise God we have signed the lease on an apartment! So, at least we won't be sleeping on the street :)

Fortunately, as I start to hyperventilate I usually remember that the most important thing is not that the event itself is beautiful but that the marriage following it be all that God wants for us. I'm also blessed with a fiance who doesn't mind helping out a lot. If he left me on my own it would probably all fly apart. I'm definitely not the bride who's had a plan in mind since she was I type the colors of the wedding are still only tentatively settled as an amorphous blue and green (dark blue, light green, aquamarine, navy, sage, indigo...who knows what it'll end up!).
So, far I think we're both holding up pretty well under the pressure...mostly because Charles is so patient with me. It's been fun, but it will be nice to have the wedding planning all finished and know that everything is ready.

Well, as time ticks down please remember to pray for me. And please also pray that our wedding day would point to the Author of all romance and the Writer of the greatest love story.

Monday, September 1, 2008

A Little Romance

So, here’s the engagement story. Let me warn you it’s a looooong one. A couple weeks ago Charles told me he had Friday morning off from school and that he’d like to have breakfast with me. He’d like to watch the sunrise and eat breakfast with me to be precise. I (somewhat reluctantly) agreed to meet him outside my apt at 5:30am Friday August 22nd 2008 to go watch the sunrise, then come back home and commence with a normal Friday. Little did I know what I was in for that day.

5:00 rolled around and I got up, dressed and fussed about my “stupid tennis shoes” that I couldn’t find for the life of me. I settled for my purple crocs in the end. When I was ready to head out I knocked on Kim’s door (she’s my fantastic roommate) and woke her up like I promised I would so she could go running. Then I ran downstairs because I promised I wouldn’t be late. When I got to the door I started smiling and waving to Charles and then stopped dumbstruck by a limo parked in front of my apartment where I thought there’d be a motorcycle. While my brain struggled to process the fact, two camera’s held by two of Charles’ bible study members clicked away. I’m not sure I want to see those pictures. I got into the limo (I think I hugged Charles first, I’m not sure now) and called Kim. I stuttered something about sitting in a limo and she excitedly asked if she could come see. I recovered my senses enough to ask her to bring my camera down. At this point I figured I was taking a limosine ride to breakfast and back to the apartment and eventually my day would normalize; probably once I got to work. Wrong.

When Kim appeared she brought more than my camera. She had my backpack and an extremely overstuffed duffle bag (which contained the stupid tennis shoes that I couldn’t find). “Here, you’ll need these too.” Again, my poor 5:40am brain struggled to comprehend the meaning of two pieces of luggage. Clearly I wasn’t going to work today. I asked Charles (rather pointlessly) if he had called Bridget (my boss). To which he answered yes and that I apparently had the day off. And as we began to drive, I began to tic off possible weekend destinations in my head. I tentatively settled on Taipei as the most likely answer, and was rewarded by our arrival at the High Speed Rail, the fastest way to get to Taipei from Kaohsiung. Wrong again!

My next in a very long series of surprises was that we got off the train one stop earlier than I anticipated, at the airport rather than downtown Taipei. Here I began to panic mildly. I was clearly about to leave the country when I hadn’t even planned on leaving Kaohsiung! What’s more Charles wouldn’t tell me where we were actually going. He was compassionate and sweet, but very firm on the fact that he wanted this to be a surprise for as long as he could keep it that way. I was torn between the pressing, anxious desire to know (and therefore have some semblance of control) and the desire to enjoy the element of surprise for his sake. Eventually it became clear at the gate that we were headed to the Philippines! So much for Taipei.

When we got off the plane we were met by the Hotel Resort’s pick up service. I knew at this point that he was going to ask me to marry him some time over the course of the weekend. You might think that most of the surprises were over by this point in time, but that would be a wrong assumption. A van ride, a boat ride, and a truck ride later found us at the Nami Resort Hotel. Rio and Toni showed me around a beautiful room/living room, balcony, and jacuzzi. Then I turned around to discover the next surprise, my friend Katie!! Charles had sent ahead our own private chaperone (aka “lightbulb” in Chinese slang)! Katie brought me up to speed on all the planning and scheming that had been going on for 2 weeks behind my back. I got a quick shower, but then Katie and I had to go off to our 6:30pm massage appointment! There are no words to describe how relaxing my first full massage left me. Limp noodle is close, but it doesn’t quite convey the full force of the feeling. So, relaxed but still in a strange state of shock and euphoria, I made my way back to the room to change for dinner. The kind suggestion was made that I wear the one and only dress I own, which had made its sneaky way into my duffle bag.

So, in my dress I found my way to my flower strewn and candle bedecked balcony. Music was playing from a CD player inside the sliding door. The hotel staff brought up delicious food, but I don’t remember what it was. I also don’t remember much of what we talked about to be honest, except that there was a pretty wood box about four inches long and two wide that I couldn’t open until after dessert. It seemed like a long time until dessert! It finally came though, and I was told I could open the box. I discovered two rows of little bottles inside with corks in the tops numbered one to eight. Charles smiled and told me that they were eight of the reasons he loved me, so go ahead and start at number one. I read one through seven before he stopped me and told me that there was something he wanted to do.

He pushed his chair back and pulled over a bowl of water and a small towel…some of you know what’s coming next, but some of you need explanation. The night before Jesus gave up his life for us on the cross he washed the feet of his twelve followers to demonstrate how we are supposed to love and serve each other. Charles gently washed and dried my feet…at which point I started crying. When he finished he tapped the glass lightly and the song on the CD player switched to “The Book of Love” (Peter Gabriel for those of you who want to know) and he told me I could read the last reason he loved me. It said “You’re not perfect, but you’re the perfect one for me.” Tied to the bottle was a tiny object wrapped in paper. He untied and unwrapped my great-grandmother’s diamond ring and knelt to say that he loved me, wanted to serve and take care of me…and asked me if I would marry him. He got a tearful, but firm “yes!” in answer!