Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Work in Progress

Hello to anyone who happens to be reading this....

I'm posting this so that my ugly calendar post won't be the first thing on my blog. Who would've known I'd have so much trouble trying to put my google calendar into my google blog?? It's a little disheartening, especially after all of those mandatory "Web Design for Dummies" classes I had to take in college....electronic portfolios for education majors or something like that. All those hours in the computer lab and I still can't figure out something that I initially believed would fairly simple.

Since I'm in the typing mode I may as well make it a good solid update. I'm having fun keeping the church office from overflowing with mail and trying to figure out how to get the church a workable website solution. Hence the google calendar debacle. The more we try to master the information age we've let loose, the farther behind we seem to fall. There's too much to learn, too fast, and too frequent. That's my personal diagnosis....currently anyway. Fueled, no doubt, by my frustration with my own inability to bend technology to my will. Enough to make you want to go on a permanent camping trip! That's the cure for technititus, run away to the waiting arms of Mother Nature. Far from screens, buttons, texts, ring-tones, e-calendars.....and indoor plumbing. Hmmmm, I guess I'll take my chances with my computer after all, and limit myself to camping breaks of only 2 to 3 days at a time to keep myself sane. :)